Thursday, July 5, 2012


My mom and I were able to take my dad to see the Disney/Pixar movie Brave the other day. It was my second time seeing it, and I must say I'm liking it more and more. Firstly, hats off to the entire animation team. They did a wonderful job making an animated movie seem very real. As I understand it, Merida's hair was no small task, and I've actually found myself wishing I had her wild red locks. Anyway, this movie was amazing for so many reasons, besides the aforementioned animation. But I particularly like how they made it not a love story (like in Tangled though I like that one, too) but focused on the mother/daughter relationship between the elegant queen and headstrong princess. I don't want to give too much away, but I would recommend this movie to anyone, especially those of Scottish ancestry. The music is phenomenal, the characters beautifully sketched, and the scenery and landscaping are beyond captivating.
So in short, go screen this movie and see where it takes you.


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