Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"My Mother's Kitchen -Volume 4- Matthew's Courage"

Hello again! What is this, like my third post in a seven-day period? I need to get away from my computer, do some long-hand writing. Speaking of writing, I highly recommend reading author Karen Malena's series, "My Mother's Kitchen". In the first installment, "Pietro's Song," writer Kate and her mother sit in the kitchen drinking coffee when Kate's mother starts telling her about the first person in their family to come to America: Pietro. Kate's curiosity about her ancestor leads her on a journey in the early 1900s, riding the waves of the Albert Konig from Naples, Italy all the way to Ambridge, Pennsylvania. While reading this, I truly felt like I knew Pietro personally: a strong man, firm in his faith, humble, a family man.
The second installment, "Terry's Gift," is probably one of my favorites. It takes place during Halloween when Kate is just a child. I won't give any spoilers, but definitely check it out.
The third segment is called "Christmas Angel," and it is actually a flashback belonging to Kate's mother. Shall I just say... God works in mysterious ways.
And the fourth installment, which came out recently, is about Kate's younger brother, Matthew. What I like about this story, though, is that the big event which touched our nation in such a dramatic way... is not the center of the story. Matthew has a touching history before he is even conceived, and the bond between the two siblings is so true to life. It really reminds me of the relationship I share with my eldest brother.
Each installment is only $0.99, and personally, I think you're getting your money's worth.
I was going to wish you all a Merry Christmas, but I still have one more post to get up before the impending holiday. I will post a link to take you directly to "Matthew's Courage" on Amazon, though. Later!




  1. This sounds great. They sound like true stories. I love the idea of writing my grandparents stories. When my grandpap and my cousin's pap was alive, I used to write down the stories they told me so that I wouldn't forget. It amazes me how quickly they left us and now I will always have those few memories of theirs jotted down.

    I'll have to check out these stories soon!

  2. I know what you mean. When Ryan and my dad went to California, they stayed with our relatives and the Old Ones told the entire family history. It's all so rich, you just can't make that kind of stuff up.

